I am the God of peace and order!

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\'I am the Lord your God of peace. Wherever I am I command peace and order. From the days of the beginning, I rebuked disorder and created harmony and peace. In this day too, I still rebuke muddle and chaos so that My breath of order can be established everywhere. My beloved, I urge you to look at the mess around you. It is the result of laziness and procrastination that has, like a thief, tiptoed into your life. Rise up and roll up your sleeves, because I have come to bring you the breath of a fresh start. Rise up now and take My hand as it graciously offers you the incomparable order. Yes, I have come to journey you to your destiny of everlasting success and peace, says the Lord your God of peace.\'

Today\'s Scripture

\'For He [Who is the source of their prophesying] is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order. As [ is the practice] in all churches of the saints (God\'s people).\' -1 Corinthians 14:33


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