A hurried prayer is as good as a prayer unmade!

~~ [DATE] ~~


 \'My dear child, a hurried prayer is as good as a prayer unmade. My ear is far from the words spoken out of faith and determination. I urge you to open your eyes. See, the enemy is stealing your time to keep your focus on unworthy things that take you no where. You rush away from your only true Provider to do things that cannot provide anything for you. My precious one, the wealth of your hands is in Me, and only Me knows where it is and how to get it to you. It is during unhurried prayer times that My Spirit can lead you to the riches I have reserved for you, says the Lord your God.\'

Today\'s Scripture

\'\'Hear, O heavens! Listen O earth! For the Lord has spoken; \'I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me. The ox knows his master, the donkey knows his owner\'s manger, but Israel does not know, My people do not understand.\'- Isaiah 1:2-3.


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