It's time to laugh!

~~ [DATE] ~~



\'My beloved, times change. Seasons change. Days are not the same, and so are the hours, minutes and seconds of a day. I am the God Who created all changes. When the night falls, I am there because I created night. When the morning breaks, I am also there because I made morning too. When the dark clouds gather together in war against you, I have allowed them because out of them the rain of My blessings will fall. When the sun rises graciously to bring you warmth, it follows My command too. My dear child, nothing happens in your life without My knowledge. I say nothing is hidden to the Lord your God. I can see all things. Now, why do you worry? Why do you worry about things I can see? Why do you worry when all things are under My control? Nothing will harm you. Trust Me. I say it is not in My plan to hurt you, because when you are hurt, I am hurt too. However, it is My plan to always turn the plan of the enemy to prosper you. Now, open your eyes and look. I have turned every pain into laughter. It is now time to laugh at what caused you suffering because the Lord has delivered you!\', says the Lord your God.  



Today\'s Scripture

\'There is time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven... a time to weep and a time to laugh.- Ecclesiastes 3: 1-4 





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