Who's the boss!

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In a vision I saw two swords being throw, one to the east and the other to the west. Like javelins, both they both landed into  ground and stood facing upright, parallel to each other. As I was looking fire began to cover the surface, and it went to embrace the two swords. The swords were not burning under this fire. In fact, nothing seemed to burn. The swords began to tilt towards each other, as if they agree to something. I began to enquire from the Spirit of the Lord as what this vision meant, and He took me straight to the book of Genesis, and said, \'Like in the days of the beginning, I have put My sword in the east, and one in the west. Not one sword, but two burning swords to protect what belongs to Me. My word burns with My power out of your mouth to achieve what you previously thought impossible. My word, like the sword, is ready to burn even the most stubborn barriers to your way. Just speak My word, and to your surprise, it shall burn, and burn, and burn until all hurdles are completely gone. Yes, I challenge you to speak My word, and My Consuming Presence will prove to the nations who the boss is, says the Lord your God.


Salvation Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving me without any conditions. Now, I ask that you forgive me for every sin I have done. With My heart, I believe that you died for me, and on the third day, you were risen to life. Now, I declare and decree in the spiritual realm that You are my Lord and Saviour. Let Your Spirit come and dwell inside me. Holy Spirit, as from now on, my body is Your temple. I ask that you teach me all the ways of Christ, My Saviour. I renounce every covenant in my life that stands against the covenant of salvation. I am born again! I pray, in Jesus\' name! 

Today\'s Scripture

\'After  He drove the man out, He placed on the east side of the of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.\'- Genesis  3:24


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